Bonjour mon amie let me take you through this journey, it’s the life of an artist. The tragic life of Passepartout. He was an artist like any other, struggling, suffering, edgy... More importantly... hungry.
Passepartout: the starving artist is a game! You get to experience most of his struggles first had as you play the artist yourself. It’s quite a different game than what I would normally play. I came across it by watching a YouTube playthrough of the game. Many games I play I've seen through YouTube. At first, I thought it really wasn't anything too interesting, but I do like art… and video games, so I decided to give it a shot. It happened to be quite a great game after all.
This is Passpartout the struggling and starving artist.
all photos are screenshots I've taken myself ingame
Let me get further into what this game is about. The point of the game is to make art and try to sell to be able to afford Passpartout’s food addiction. You may think this is easy as all you have to do is draw things. My friend, that is where you are wrong. SO VERY WRONG. These critics that look at your art are the most judgmental critics you will ever meet in a game. They constantly insult your work, it really puts you down quite a bit.
I thought this game was innocent and nice. You would just make art and sell it. I would never have thought that these critics would actually make me want to quit the game. Here are a few of the things the critics would say.
They aren’t the worst things someone could say about your art, but when you actually take the time to make something and the critics don’t like it, it really makes you upset. However, they do give quite good feedback so you can make your work better. The better your art is, or the more the critics like it the fast it will be sold. Also depending on how the critics view your art the prices the critics will pay for the piece will vary.
You may be asking. “Is that all?” Well, the short answer is no! As you progress and make money you get to a new scene of his life. The game is split up into Acts like how a play would be sectioned. When you complete the first act you can move onto the next one. As you progress in each of the acts you unlock new painting tools which you can use to create the art you will later on sell.
Here’s a few of the paintings I've done within the game. Really nothing too special. You can go completely insane while making the art as this game has no limits to what you can or cannot paint.
I really do suggest playing the game! I don’t want to spoil any of the more interesting parts to the game. However, I will say this. For this game, you will need a fairly good computer. Having a potato computer like I do just barely runs the game well enough to play. Having a better computer will allow you to play the game on a higher graphics setting along with a decrease in lag. As any gamer will know, lag is the most rage inducing thing in existence.[I may just make a whole post on lag so non-gamers can understand how it really interferes with gameplay.] Even in an art game such as this, the lag can quite rage inducing. I would know!
If you’re interested in downloading this game I got the game off of steam. Steam is sort of a hub where you can buy all different kinds of games. There are free games and there are games you have to pay for. Passepartout: The Starving Artist is a game you have to pay for in order to play. For the 10 Dollars I paid to get this game I say it was definitely worth it. For those of you who like art and video games I do think this is a great game for you!
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