I’m pretty much your typical gamer that plays with their friends. However, the majority of friends I play videogames with I met online. Well… to say the least, you can meet some pretty interesting people on the internet and through gaming platforms. I thought it would be a nice spin to take a break from my typical posts and sort of tell a few of my gaming stories. I mention my online friends, as most of the entertaining stories happen while I’m in calls with them. Now I may or may not make this into a series sort of thing and every once in a while I’ll tell another story. Let me know in the comments if this sort of thing is something you like to read.


Let me give you a quick overview of the relationship my friends and I have. At some point, we just all in all stopped using words. In fact, most of our 3+ hour calls end up just being sounds made to express our emotions. Because y’know… words. Words don’t always work especially when you’ve been going off of a max 3 hours of sleep for a few days. Now, there was this one time I remember fairly vividly… as it was probably one of the funniest things (in my opinion) that had happened… But probably also because it happened maybe about a month or so ago and that’s not too hard to forget something from a month back. Unless it’s math… I forget math from the day before. Back to the story… So my friend Roan aka i02, aka k8i and I were on a call playing the one and only block game, aka Minecraft, aka the only game I really no-life. Before I get further into this story let me just remind you. Us gamers typically hide away in the caves we call our rooms no light, just darkness. ->

At the time of this call, it was around, I don’t know… 11:00 pm and basically my whole family was asleep. Within block game, we had been playing this “new” game on a server called Cakewars. Pretty much with this game you just had to collect resources by capturing the beacons and by getting more resources you could upgrade your protection for your cake and for your team armor… etc… The whole point of the game is to really collect things, protect the cake, and kill off the other teams. This game can get really intense if you have something to lose if you lose that game. In this case… we did. We had a fairly high win streak and as any win streak does when you lose it resets. AND THAT WAS NOT ABOUT TO HAPPEN. We stepped up our game of communication and getting things done when things sort of went south… Being me and the tryhard I am. To get to the other players faster I thought it would be a wonderful idea to speed bridge over. If you don’t know what that is I will be leaving a video <3 (but speed bridging is pretty much running and shifting and placing blocks to make bridges faster)

My own video <3

So with speed bridging, I tend to struggle after a few blocks in because my rhythm messes up and I either misplace a block or I don’t place one at all or I forget to shift. NEVER FORGET TO SHIFT. Now, In cake wars, everyone is on an island in the sky. If you fall, you die. Which was a bit of an issue when we were trying to win. So I was out trying to speed bridge and knowing it was risky I did it anyway and I kept falling. Each time I fell  I let out a scream and I had complained and blamed lag as any gamer does, because lag is the downfall to everything, right?

So I kept dying and due to this my friend had been carrying the team and officially unofficially banned me from speed bridging. With this ban upon my speed bridging skills in this game I may or may not have been a little salty… Now I was rebelling and arguing back, but our back to back arguing and complaining is much like that of siblings. Although, we’ve evolved like Pokemon and we do not use words. Our sounds express everything. When Roan was complaining he had said something… I don’t recall what it was because I didn’t really process what he said all I processed that it reminded me of something… and what it reminded me of you might ask? Well, whatever he did say he said like the chocolate lady from SpongeBob.
Lady I am referring to ->

That being said, once I realized that I took it upon myself to bless him and send him the exact video I was referring to. Once I sent the video Roan denied the sounds he made, but I may be blind, but I’m not deaf and I swear I heard the chocolate lady in that moment. I was hysterically laughing… What he said hadn't been all that funny but my reference to the chocolate lady, oh boy that killed me. I laughed so hard. You know like little kids when they pull a prank and they just sit there looking at the person, laughing, waiting for something to happen? Well, that was me when I was waiting for him to look at the video. His (nearly) immediate reaction was laughter, but something went wrong in the laughing department and whatever sound came out of him was not normal laughter. This laugh was literally the laugh of the Wicked Witch of the West. So being me, as I realized this, I found the video…  If you are unfamiliar I will put a video ->

Being the child I am, I started laughing some more… I made this demonic sort of sound… Remember how I said that It was really late and everyone was asleep? Well, They were… Until my one sister woke up. She had heard me laughing and went to my room to check on me and in that moment I had made that demonic sound. If you don’t know our house, you are unaware that we probably have some sort of demon living alongside us. That’s a whole story for later, but with that knowledge now you can understand how terrified my sister had been when I made that demonic sound. And just to make it worse, the only possible light in my room was from my computer screen. Which made the whole situation creepier.  She was concerned that I had been possessed… etc… But It was late so she just went back to her room where it was safe and that was that. (She didn’t even ask if I was okay, she just looked, got freaked out, but never questioned it. That just shows how often this sort of thing happens)

While all of this had happened we were still in this game of Cakewars, but we were barely playing it. With constant laughing and sounds, we were so unproductive. We ended up taking the L, but honestly, with the memories made it was totally worth.

Looking back at this, maybe everything was funnier in the moment as we were getting frustrated and neither of us used any sort of words for a good 20 minutes while playing this game. It’s amazing how you can get across what you are trying to say just through sounds. Honestly, I should copyright all the sounds I make because those are gold.

That reminds me of another story, but I’ll get into that at a later time. Do let me know if you somewhat enjoyed this sort of post, because I sure do have a lot of stories.
