This post is going to be a little different than all my others. Today I feel the need to rant. What am I going to rant about? Well, you see there's this popular game called Fortnite and it's GETTING ON MY NERVES It's a great game don't get me wrong, but at this point, it's so overhyped. Like, gUYS yOU DONT nEED TO pOST EVErY fORTNITE wIN ON SNAPCHAT The first few days of it's release the wins being posted were understandable. However, since then it's become such a meme. Like any meme it's only funny for like a week and anything beyond that is overkill. Not going to lie though, it is a fun game. Going around trying not to die is pretty thrilling... It's the small things that matter. But man, people do some pretty stupid things in this game. If you don't already know, a big portion of the game is to go around breaking things to collect items so you can build. What do you...
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